Ing. Jiri KADLEC CSc.


Department of Signal Processing, UTIA, CAS
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 1143/4
182 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic

phone: +420/266 052 216

Current position: Head of the Department of Signal Processing
Research interests: recursive system identification algorithms suitable for FPGA; rapid prototyping of advanced signal processing algorithms; scalable floating point arithmetic for FPGA SoC designs
Current R&D projects: SOILEECONEListen2Future
Past EU R&D projects: StorAIgeArrowhead Tools, FitOptiVis, WAKeMeUP, Productive4.0, SILENSE, THINGS2DO, PANACHE, EMC2, ALMARVI, IDEAS, AETHER, RECONF 2, HSLA
Past national R&D projects: CAK and CAK 2, VLAM, SESAP
Past support projects: Idealist2014, Idealist2011, COSINE 2, Idealist7fp, COSINE, IST World, Idealist34, Idealist-5fp, Idealist-East, NetCeE, CEeB

since 2000 Senior researcher and head of the Department of Signal Processing
1990-2000 Researcher (Dept. of Adaptive Systems in UTIA)
1987 CSc. (similar to Ph.D.) from the CAS (fast, normalised algorithms for identification of adaptive systems)
1982 graduated Ing. (similar to MSc.) in technical cybernetics and automation from the CTU Prague
Professional activities:
2014-2020 Member of HORIZON 2020 ICT Committee
2007-2013 Member of ICT Committee for 7th Framework Programme EU
2002-2006 Member of ICT Committee for 6th Framework Programme EU
1998-2002 Member of IST Committee for 5th Framework Programme EU
since 2005 Member of REI ("Council for support of AS CR Participation in European Integration of Research and Development")
Long-term visits:
1995-1996 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (6 months)
1992-1995 Queen's University of Belfast, UK
1990 University of Athens, Dep. of Physics (Humboldt Research Fellowship, 4 months)
1989 Ruhr University Bochum (Humboldt Research Fellowship, 1 year)

Other links:

All publications (UTIA library)

Institutional Repository of the Czech Academy of Sciences