Ing. Raissa LIKHONINA, Ph.D.

Department of Signal Processing, UTIA, CAS
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 1143/4
182 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic

phone: +420/266 052 264

Current position: Postdoc
Research interests: RLS algorithms
Current projects: SOILListen2FutureEECONE
Past projects: StorAIgeArrowhead ToolsFitOptiVisWAKeMeUPProductive4.0 SILENSEPANACHETHINGS2DOEMC2ALMARVI

since 2015 member of the Signal Processing group
2022 Ph.D. from the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, CTU in Prague
2015 graduated Ing. (similar to MSc.) from the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, CTU in Prague
2013 graduated Bc. (Bachelor degree) from the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, CTU in Prague

Other links:

All publications (UTIA library)

Institutional Repository of the Czech Academy of Sciences