Dr. Ing. Jiri PLIHAL

Department of Signal Processing, UTIA, CAS
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 1143/4
182 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic

phone: +420/266 052 583

Current position: Deputy head for cooperation with Skoda Auto projects
Research interests: Development of electronic control systems for transportation; Human-Machine Interface (HMI) design and optimization; Navigation and location systems; Autonomous driving technologies; Technical standards development and compliance (ISO, CEN, etc.)
Current R&D projects: HiPE
Current projects: General contract between SKODA AUTO a.s. and UTIA AV CR, v.v.i. in R&D
iCompose (research subcontract),
e-Vectoorc (research subcontract),

Professional activities: Coordinator of working group Digital Maps and travel Information within the Society for Informatics in Transport.

Reviewer of Technical Standards: CSN, EN a ISO.

Gestor of working group ISO/TC204/WG3 Technology of data-base system TICS.

Gestor of working group ISO/TC204/WG14 Warning and control Systems in vehicle and on communications.

Other links:

All publications (UTIA library)

Institutional Repository of the Czech Academy of Sciences